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10 Disturbing Safety Manual For Children From 1950’s

Neil Patrick

Today, kid’s manual are designed to be child-friendly. Meaning, all information written or drawn in manual’s content must promote things that could not harm children, specifically their psychological development. For their are things that children cannot understand or absorb like adults do, their minds are very fragile.

But in the 50’s, there are children’s manual that parents today should be thankful it didn’t still exist. For what you will see next are very violent kids manual that has disturbing images.


1. This one looks like a robbery shoot-out scene.





2. Actor Peter Lorre was not really the so-called “stranger” on the kid’s manual. They only have some similarity on facial features. (LOL)


3. Since the image on the manual mentioned names, may I ask which among them is Joe or Bill?




4. Why on earth would you hide on leaf pile in the middle of the road?





5. If only Mike spent time to hospital, then what happened to Bob?





6. This one looks like a psychopath dirty-cop.



7. If nobody will come for help, Oh Boy, I hope you have some prayer with you.


7. Awww! please my books! exam is tomorrow.
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8. Because his stoned and not thinking straight, this man probably started the fire.
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9. I think this boy will turn into a mutant, with red hand.

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10. Poor Chuck, game over!
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Neil Patrick

Neil Patrick is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News