The Mysterious ‘End Of The World Cinema’ Built In The Middle Of The Egyptian Desert

Have you ever imagined and old cinema in the middle of the desert? How about the Sinai Desert in Egypt? The Sinai desert is not just any desert. For those who are geographically challenged, this desert is in Egypt, and it’s about 23,000 square miles.


According to Estonian photographer Kaupo Kikkas, who took these took these photos of the End of the World Cinema…. A Frenchmen apparently gathered up some money, after visiting Cairo, and bought original old seats and projection equipment to build a movie theater in the desert….. this was back in the early 2,000’s.

He even arranged a generator for electricity and a giant tractor to put up the screen. As enthusiastic as this sounds, Egyptian authorities were not at all welcoming to the idea so they shut the entire thing down. So now sits the End of the World Cinema in all its strange glory.


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(h/t Viral Nova) (Photo Credits: Kaupo Kikkas)