Sad photos of friends & brothers that were captured during the American Civil War

This collection of 19th-century photographs that you’ll see below, we’ve found in the Library of Congress’s archives.

At first glance, one might think ” these are random photos of unknown people from a distant era”,  in fact they are, but what makes them not so ordinary is the fact they were taken during the American Civil War.

These unknown people are soldiers and they had chosen to be captured together with a friend or a brother  because of the very high odds they’ll never see each other.

All Photos by Library of Congress

Pvt. Charles Chapman of Company A, 10th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, left, and unidentified Confederate soldier.


Pvt. Henry Luther and his brother, 1st Sgt. Herbert E. Larrabee


Pvt. Hiram J. Gripman, with his brother Pvt. William H. Gripman.


Pvt. Reggie T. Wingfield and Pvt. Hamden T. Flay in Confederate uniforms.


Pvt. William Savage Moore and his brother, Pvt. John C. Moore.


Sgt. Robert Black and Pvt. Herman Beckman in Union uniforms


Sgt. Robert Black and Pvt. Herman Beckman of Company F.


Three unidentified soldiers in Union 1st Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, and Master sergeant uniforms.


Three unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and Company E, 8th Regiment forage caps.


Three unidentified Union soldiers in front of painted military camp scene backdrop.


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Two unidentified soldiers in Union shell jackets, young soldier at right with a cavalry saber.


Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms and forage caps with saber and musket.


Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop showing trees


Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with cigars in mouths in front of American flag.


Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms with cigars.


Two unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms, one in corporal’s uniform and dress gloves.


Two unidentified Union soldiers.


Unidentified sergeant and corporal in Union uniforms in front of painted backdrop


Unidentified soldiers in Confederate battle shirts.


Unidentified soldiers in Confederate uniforms.


Unidentified soldiers in Mississippi battle shirts with double barrel shotguns.


Unidentified soldiers in Trans-Mississippi Confederate battle shirts.


Unidentified soldiers in Union uniforms holding cigars in each others’ mouths.


The striking element that gives the photographs more touching and sentimental note is the  display of affection; they can be seen holding hands, linked arms, and arms on the shoulder.