Princess Angeline: When the settlers arrived, the eldest daughter of “Chief Seattle” refused to leave her land Strangeness
The King of the Dudes -The fashion leader of the Gilded Age, once changed clothes 40 times between breakfast and dinner News Strangeness
The Ancient Greek torture device “Brazen Bull” is considered to be one of the most gruesome creations of all time Strangeness
Cleopatra, Queen of Ancient Egypt, took baths in donkey milk to preserve her beauty and youth Strangeness
Silbo Gomero – An ancient and fascinating ‘whistle language’ still survives on one of the Canary Islands, it’s used to talk across the island’s steep ravines News
In 1803, two British sailors climbed the ancient Roman column ‘Pompey’s Pillar’, affixed a weather vane to the top, ate steaks and toasted to King George III Strangeness
The Greek navy maintains a reconstruction of an ancient Athenian trireme, the HS Olympias, it is the only ship of its kind in the world Self-Propelled
Filming Schindler’s List was so personal and difficult for Steven Spielberg he almost quit directing Strangeness