Socks in History: In fifth-century Europe, socks were usually worn by “holy” people to symbolize purity Strangeness
“Pandora’s Box”-Pandora was the first woman on earth and the “box” was, in fact, a large jar that contained all the evils of the world Strangeness
In 1911 Ishi emerged from the wilderness in California, he was the last member of his tribe and also “the last wild Indian” … News Strangeness
Senet- A 5,000-year old board game that was played in ancient Egypt is one of the oldest known board games News
High Heels in Ancient History: Egyptian butchers wore them to walk above the blood from dead animals Glamour
It is said that Cleopatra, Queen of Ancient Egypt, took baths in donkey milk to preserve her beauty and youth Strangeness
Photos from the turn of the century show Bedouins, the “desert dwellers” of the Middle East Lifestyle
The Tanganyika laughter epidemic of 1962: Around 1,000 people were hysterically laughing for one year Strangeness