Dresses from the sky: WW2 wedding gowns made from silk and nylon parachutes News Battlefields Glamour Lifestyle Strangeness
War Plan Red: In a hypothetical war between the United States and Britain approved in 1930, the first step was to attack Canada Strangeness Battlefields
Vinnie Ream won the competition to create a sculpture of Lincoln, but whispers and doubts shadowed her efforts at carving a “man of sorrow” Battlefields Lifestyle News Strangeness
After almost 80 years, 31 rolls of film discovered showing World War II through the lens of an unknown American soldier Battlefields Lifestyle News Self-Propelled Strangeness
During WWII, famous Hollywood director Frank Capra filmed motivational documentaries for American soldiers Glamour Battlefields
In WWI, India provided the largest volunteer army in world history, and its numbers were crucial to the war’s outcome Strangeness Battlefields News
President Abraham Lincoln influenced the nation even in death, when his embalming made the practice more accepted Battlefields Strangeness
In WWII, the 20-year-old George H. W. Bush was only one of group of nine airmen who escaped fate worse than death Strangeness Battlefields
It didn’t end well: The Batavia mutiny of 1629 is one of the biggest mutinies in history Strangeness Abandoned Spaces Battlefields
Christopher Lee had to Correct Peter Jackson on how People React when Knifed Battlefields Strangeness