Ten out-of-this-world conspiracy theories about the Nazis


Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party took the world by storm in the 1930s—they unleashed their entire military might on their enemies. Thankfully, their reign of terror was cut short. At the end of World War II, the Nazi party was demolished by Allied forces. In the seventy years since the fall of the Third Reich, people have been theorizing about the Nazi party and their incredibly quick rise to power.

Some of these conspiracy theories are more rational than others. Some theories venture into the area of the absurd, but it is precisely this absurdity that makes them the most interesting.

  1. The first theory concerns the 1936 Black Forest Incident. According to various reports that surfaced toward the end of the 20th century, a unidentified flying object crash-landed in Germany’s Black Forest, which is near the town of Frieberg, in 1936. The reports claim that the craft was saucer-shaped and was ultimately recovered by SS troops shortly afterward.The object was allegedly taken to Wewelsburg Castle, the main headquarters of the Third Reich. Once there, their top scientists worked to reverse engineer it and, of course, find ways to use the technology to their advantage. Whether they were successful is open to debate, but it is widely accepted that German scientists and engineers were far ahead of other countries at the time.In 2013, an article appeared online that claimed the author had been able to “channel” into the crash site that evening. In order to achieve this, the author had tracked down a pair of field glasses that had belonged to an SS officer who had witnessed the crash. Furthermore, the author claimed that there were survivors who had been shot on sight by the SS. The craft was not of alien origin, but was actually a time machine. The survivors had been humans from the future. Naturally, this article should be treated with a large pinch of salt.
  1. The next conspiracy theory arose with the 2000 book The Truth About the Wonder Weapon. Author Igor Witkowski claimed that he had translated the documents of the Nazi SS officer Jakob Sporrenberg. These documents apparently discussed a top secret Nazi weapon. According to Witkowski, the documents were given to him by an unnamed source in the Polish intelligence service. They stipulated that he was allowed to translate the documents but not make copies. Artist’s vision of a Haunebu, similar to flying objects described in the project Die Glocke, they were allegedly photographed by George Adamski.Source

    The weapon was referred to as Die Glocke—also known as the Nazi Bell. The documents went into great detail about how it worked and what it was capable of. Die Glocke was supposedly housed in a military facility called Die Rieses, located close to the Czech border in Poland near the Wenceslas Mine.

    The weapon apparently stood around 5 meters (15 feet) high and measured 3 meters (9 feet) across. It was stored underground beneath a stone circular structure called “The Henge,” which is still there today. Ancient symbols, similar to hieroglyphics, decorated the bottom of the Nazi Bell. Two cylinders, which rotate in opposite directions, were within the weapon’s structure and were filled with a substance called Xerum 525—this was, apparently, an antigravity technology. When tested, it was released from its underground facility while chained to The Henge to prevent it from flying off.

    The purpose of this weapon? When Die Glocke was in motion, visions of the past could be seen upon its inner mirror-like surface. The antigravity technology could warp time and space—this was the true purpose of Die Glocke. It was a time machine.

    So far, Die Glocke has not been found yet. There was an incident in 1965, however, that raised a few eyebrows. The initial reports stated that a strange bell-shaped object had crashed in the woods near town. The mysterious craft even had hieroglyphic symbols around its base.

  1. Many of us have seen the Indiana Jones movies and we know that these are fictional stories. But their portrayal of the Nazis’ interest in ancient relics and artifacts is actually true. Hitler was obsessed with ancient texts and philosophies. He and his troops made concerted efforts to bring revered items, such as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Spear of Destiney. Ahnenerbe.source

    A man named Heinrich Himmler was, however, the main driver behind Ahnenerbe—officially, a study institute for German ancestral heritage. The real reason for its existence, however, was to acquire knowledge of the Aryan race of “superior” humans whom Himmler believed were once residents of Atlantis. Himmler’s beliefs didn’t stop there. He claimed that survivors of the disaster at Atlantis had fled northward and that true Germans were descendants of this race. If he found proof of this connection, he thought that he could established a new Aryan religion that would replace Christianity.

    Under Himmler’s orders, the SS explored all over the world, including Scotland, Iceland, France, North Africa, and India. Himmler followed his research and believed that he would find evidence that the Tibetans were descendants of the Aryan people. In 1939, an expedition to Tibet was launched. They crudely scrutinized the local population—they even measured people’s heads to determine their true race.

    After this expedition, Himmler returned to Germany, feeling satisfied that he had proven his theory. He felt sure that the descendants of the Aryan race had been weakened by mixing with the indigenous Tibetans. A chilling revelation, given the horrific events that unfolded throughout German-occupied Europe. Himmler himself is regarded as being directly responsible for the millions of deaths at the concentration camps throughout the early 1940s.

  1. Speaking of ancient artifacts, Hitler and the Nazis turned to many ancient and/or occult philosophies and beliefs in order to mould their own twisted ideology. They particularly focused on ancient Sanskrit texts. The most recognizable symbol of the swastika was “stolen” from ancient cultures of the region. “Swastika” is actually a Sanskrit word. The Nazis called their symbol Hakenkreutz. ancient-sansrit-texts source

    The ancient Hindu texts of India interested the Nazi party due to their belief that an ancient Aryan race had attacked the country in antiquity and installed a rigid society of caste systems. Mainstream scholars completely reject this notion and state that such an Aryan civilization simply did not exist.

    Heinrich Himmler was reputed to be quite proficient in reading and translating texts. Himmler searched these ancient texts much like ancient-astronaut theorists take ancient texts more at face value to prove their points. For example, Himmler believed that references to thunderbolts in the texts actually represented ancient technological weapons of the Aryan society—technology that he and Hitler were determined to obtain and master.

  1. The Haunebu Disc. Starting in 1935, Nazi scientists were rumored to have begun the process of developing an anti-gravity flying disc. Basically, a flying saucer. A majority of this research involved alternative, “free” energy sources that would create electromagnetic fields, which in turn would power the craft.These craft were allegedly developed, built, and tested in Hauneburg, located in northwest Germany. They measured approximately twenty-five feet (eight meters) across and could seat up to eight personnel. The Haunebu Discs could only fly at a low altitude, but they could reach an astonishing 3,000 miles per hour (4,800 kilometers per hour)—although the more developed crafts supposedly reached speeds of 11,000 miles per hour (17,000 kilometers per hour). On top of that, this theory claims that metallurgists had developed a heat-resistant armor called Victalen (also called Frozen Smoke).In 1942, three years after the first Haunebu Disc test flights were carried out, the Haunebu II was developed. It was slightly larger than its predecessor—it could seat nine people. Whereas the first saucer could only fly for eighteen hours, the new craft could fly for fifty-five hours straight.

    While it can be debated if the Haunebu Discs were real, Nazi scientists and engineers did experiment with antigravity systems. So, this theory is not completely beyond the realm of possibility, however unlikely it is.

  1. Forget the Freemasons, there is another secret society afoot. The Vril Society was allegedly a secret society whose members were said to have included Adolf Hitler and other high-ranking Nazi party members. The society got its name, as well as some of their philosophies, from the 1871 science fiction book The Coming Race by Bulwer Lytton. The story follows a highly advanced civilization (the Aryans) which could tap into the Vril—the energy of the universe—and use it for their own goals. The_Coming_Race_(1871) source

    Thus, the Vril Society was born. Its members believed that they were the direct descendants of the Aryan race and also believed that they could master and tap into the Vril energy field. Female members of the Vril Society allowed their hair grow as long as possible in the belief that longer hair allowed them to tap into the Vril.

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    It was, apparently, the Vril Society that encouraged Hitler and other important Nazi Party members to search for ancient relics and ancient technology.

  1. In 1938, the Nazi vessel Schwabenland to western Antarctica. Upon arrival, they claimed New Swabia as their own. This expedition was done to secure Germany’s whaling industry—which seems very reasonable, given the number of valuable products the Third Reich would have used from whaling.Naturally, some people question the expedition’s true purpose. Conspiracy theorists believe that the Nazis’ real intent was to established a military base name 211 in Antarctica. Furthermore, the Nazis were also searching for an entrance to the “inner Earth” that they firmly believed had been inhabited by the Aryan race. Picture of the German seaplane catapult ship MS Schwabenland, source

    Recently, a man from Alaska, named Joe Watson, claimed to be in possession of a letter from a German crewmember who had been aboard submarine U-209. This crewmember wrote that the purpose of their mission was to find the location of the inner Earth—a goal that was supposedly achieved. German records do show that a U-209 was in that area in 1943, but it went missing in early July of the same year.

    Another comment that should be examined is that from Karl Donitz, who was in charge of the German U-Boat fleet. He stated that in 1943 the Germans had rebuilt their submarines “in another part of the world—a Shangri-la land—an impregnable fortress!” It is possible that he could have been referring to the top secret base in Antarctica.

    Other theorists have claimed that Hitler did not commit suicide in a Berlin bunker, but rather, escaped to the Antarctic Nazi base. This claim is probably not true, but there are official records of Nazi activity in Antarctica in the weeks immediately before their surrender to Allied forces.

  1. In terms of technology and weapons, Nazis were quite ahead of the Allied forces. Some theorists claim that this was not due to their scientists or innovators, but rather from alien help. These kinds of stories have been around since the end of World War II.Recently, an Iranian news platform stated that they possessed documents from whistle-blower Edward Snowden that also made such claims. This particular report claimed that these aliens were known as “tall whites” and are secretly controlling the US government today.An earlier theory originating in the 1970s comes from UFO researcher Allen Greenfield. Greenfield claimed that he had asked Dr. Wernher von Braun, who is generally regarded as the “man who put the US on the Moon,” how Germany had gotten so far ahead of their enemies during World War II. Von Braun replied, “We had help! From them!” Then he pointed to the UFO files that Greenfield was searching through at the time. To clarify, Greenfield asked whether he meant extraterrestrial help, and he was given a positive response.

    Yet another man, Hermann Oberth, German engineer, was quoted as making similar comments in the book Did Spacemen Colonize the Earth by Robyn Collins. When questioned as to why Germany was so advanced in the 1930s and 1940s, Oberth stated, “We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone—we have been helped.” When asked who exactly had given help, he said, “The people of other worlds!”

    Unfortunately, both von Braun and Oberth have passed away a long time ago, and thus it is impossible to verify either of their comments.

  1. Herman Rauschnin is just one of many people who have claimed that Hitler may have been possessed by none other than the Devil himself—although he is certainly not considered reliable by a vast majority of historians and researchers. Rauschning wrote a book called Hitler Speaks, in which he states that Hitler would go into a “trance” while giving various speeches. He felt that the Nazi leader was a medium for evil spirits and Satan. Hermann_Rauschning source

    One of Hitler’s childhood friends, August Kubizek, has made similar claims. In his book, The Young Hitler I knew—The Memoir of Hitler’s Childhood Friend, he recalled a conversation in which the 17-year-old Hitler spoke of his ambition to restore Germany to the glory it once enjoyed. Of that conversation, Kubizek said, “It was as if another being spoke out of his body!”

    Some members of the Catholic Church even point out that Pope Pius XII attempted an exorcism on Hitler from a distance. Given how history unfolded, the exorcism failed. In 2006, Father Gabriele Amorth, Pope Benedict XVI’s “caster out of demons,” claimed that Hitler was almost certainly possessed by the Devil. According to him, possession is not limited to individuals, but entire populations are susceptible. His claims should probably be taken with a pinch of salt, however. Father Amorth claimed that the Harry Potter book series as being responsible for children wanting to experiment with the occult. He claimed, “Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the King of the Darkness, the Devil!”

  1. The last theory claims that Hitler did not commit suicide in Berlin, but actually escaped to South America. This theory is supported by the FBI documents that were declassified in 2014. These documents claimed that Adolf Hitler didn’t commit suicide but fled war-torn Europe and landed in Argentina, just two weeks after Berlin fell into Allied hands. source

    These files state that the FBI was given this knowledge by an informant who was seeking political asylum in the United States. Aided by the Argentinian government, Hitler settled for a while in a small village near the Andes Mountains. The conclusion of these files, however, was that there was not enough information to justify further investigation.

    Weeks before these files were declassified, a photograph that allegedly depicts Hitler in Brazil showed up online. Dated sometime in 1984, it shows Hitler without his mustache and with his arm around Cutinga, his Brazilian lover. Two years later, Hitler apparently passed away at the age of 95. The picture was originally posted by a Nazi hunter and author who believed that Hitler had gone to Paraguay from Argentina before finally settling permanently in Brazil.

    There are many questions that are left unanswered by this theory. If Hitler did escape from Germany in the final days of World War II, did the Russians, who discovered and identified his body, know that he had actually fled and covered it up? Or did they believe that they had the remains of the leader of the Third Reich?

    The flames of this conspiracy theory were fanned when archaeologist Nicolas Bellantoni was allowed to conduct DNA tests on one of Hitler’s skull fragments in 2009. Shockingly, the results showed that the recorded DNA samples that are thought to be Hitler’s didn’t match the skull fragment held by the Russians.