Custom design in a movie can surely define the identity of the same and decide if the movie will have a dress trademark.
Throughout movie history, we’ve seen actresses that wore dresses like they were born for it!
These were the dresses that worked as a symbol of the movie, symbol of the movie character and symbol of the fashion era at the time.Check out the iconic movie dresses that left a huge signature and inspiration in the fashion industry, and inspiration for a Halloween custom, also.
1.Frankly, My Dear, We Love Your Dresses

The Scarlet O’Hara’s Emerald Green Gown that she made out of curtains in her family’s plantation house, which she wore to seduce Rhett Butler was the centerpiece dress in the movie. The curtain dress was originally designed by Walter Plunkett and it was sold just recently at an auction in Beverly Hills for $137,000. As Scarlet O’Hara would reply “Great Balls of Fire.”
2.The Flying Skirt
The White Flying Skirt was and still is the association with iconic style, beauty and fashion. When the custom designer William Travilla pick this dress for Monroe in the Seven Year Itch, he hadn’t had a clue that she will stand over a subway grate and make a history. The silky white dress stand out just perfectly on Marrylin’s gorgeous figure and till now her name and her beauty can be associated with this specific outfit.The iconic white dress was sold for $5.6 million at an auction in 2011.
The Dress For Swim in The fountain di trevi

When Anita Ekberg jumps into Trevi Fountain in Fellini’s epic La Dolce Vita she brought a new meaning to “sex icon’ and “men fantasy.” The black sleeveless dress that she perfectly was maybe the reason La Dolce Vita won an Academy award for Costume Design in 1960.
The Perfect Black Breakfast Dress

The black dress decorated with pearls that Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) wore to window-shop in New York is still a definition for a classy New York style. Givenchy inspired by his long loved muse Audrey Hepburn, designed the perfect dress that symbolize Hepburn’s adorable and charming nature. This is one of the most iconic movie dresses of all time and it was sold at auction for $807,000.
All About Brown Dress

“Fasten your seatbelts… it’s going to be a bumpy night!” said Bette Davis as Margo Channing in All About Eve within an elegant brown dress and cigarette in her hand. Bette Davis won an Oscar for that part and assuming for that dress that stand astonishingly on her. She was attached so much to the iconic gown so she requested to the costume designer Edith Head for her private collection.
And Than The Designer Created The Dress

In the final scene of And God Created Woman (1956), Bridgete Bardot taken by the beat of a mambo band rips out her green dress and start dancing, and a beauty icon was born.
The Revealing Dress
When the chauffeur daughter who watched all the parties from a tree in the backyard appeared at the Larrabee ball, looking as a princess in a bustier gown in white organdy was decorated with a navy floral embroidery, everybody were shocked. The Givenchy and Audrey collaboration resulted with another iconic movie dress.
The Princess Leia Dress Strikes Back

The Black and White Mystery Dress

Yves Saint Laurent is now iconic designer and respected name in fashion and movie industry, but he was yet to be discovered when he designed the dresses for Catherine Deneueve in Belle De Jour (1967). Severine (Catherine Deneueveve) is a frigid housewife with a secret sado-masochist fantasy and fetish to prostitution. Throughout the movie she wore classy “French styled” dresses which symbolize her character and now serve as iconic movie dresses.
A Place In the Sun in a White Gown

Elizabeth Taylor is iconic Hollywood beauty actress, but more iconic than her beauty was the pale yellow strapless bouffant gown worn by her as Angela Vickers in A Place In the Sun. The beautiful gown with many layers was designed specially for Taylor by the popular Hollywood custom designer Edith Head.
To Catch a Breath in a Blue Amazing Dress

When the rich spoil and yet charming Frances in the Hitchcock’s classic To Catch a Thief wore the floor length ice blue chiffon evening dress the world was mesmerized by beauty. This iconic dress was designed by the iconic Edith Head but Grace Kelly was the one who choose the dress for the specific iconic scene.
The Dorothy’s Gingham Dress From The Oz

Here is another dress as iconic as the movie. The Dorothy’s blue gingham dress in The Wizard of Oz is one of the most popular costume designs of all time. The child star Judy Garland had to rehearse in several different dresses so the producers can decide which will characterize the best her part in the 1939’s classic The Wizard of Oz. The iconic gingham dress is set to sell for £180,000.
The Fair Lady in a Lovely Gown
By now we can declare Hepburn as the actress who wore the most iconic movie dresses of all time. In the academy award winning My Fair Lady Hepburn worn a sumptuous Ascot dress and hat designed by Cecil Beaton and sold by the Debbie Reynolds Collection. Debbie Raynolds bought the dress for $100,000 and when Hepburn worn this outfit in the most iconic scene of the movie, it gain to its value and it was sold for incredible $3.7 million at auction.
The Pretty Red Dress

When the most iconic prostitute Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman appeared in Cinderella style scene dressed in a classy red dress the icon outfit was born.
The White Dress That had a Clue
Cher wore 50 different outfits and dresses but only one was yet to become and iconic movie dress. The tiny white Calvin Klein slip that Alicia Silverstone wore in the final scene for which her father comment ” “looks like underwear. The designer Francisco Costa in 2010 as honor of the movie re-issued the Cher’s revealing white dress.

Julie Christie’s iconic part as a Russian seamstress turned nurse in Dr. Zhivago included her worring a pallete of authentic iconic outfits. The Dr.Zhivago wardrobe desginerd by the costume designer Phyllis Dalton and the Russian fashion inspired many fashion designers such as Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior, who started to use furs and silk in their collections.
The Glowing Gown

Even though Hepburn was popular by her iconic Tomboy style in movies she wore elegant dresses, such as the gold lamé gown in the Bringing Up Baby.
Dresses are a Girl’s Best Friend next to diamonds

Here is another collaboration of Marilyn Monroe and William Travilla which made iconic dress. The pink Strapless dress that Monroe wore during the one of the most iconic scenes, which become a subject of major imitation such as Madona in the video of ‘Material Girl.”
The Seducing Glittery Gown

From sequin dresses to silky evening gowns, the Michele Pfeiffer’s wardrobe in Scarface made a revolution in the 80’s Disco Couture era.
The Pretty Pink Dress

Molly Ringwald’s dress in Pretty in Pink set the definition on “The Perfect Prom Dress” in the 1980s. The Molly RInglwals’s, handmade pink dress was the centerpiece of fashion critics, both reviled and loved.
Inside Daisy Clover’s Dress

The Prom Dress

Everyone’s favorite scene from the Grease of course is when the girl next door Sandy revealed her dramatic transformation wearing black pantsuit. However, the dress who made a iconic signature is the prom dress who defines the perfect American High Schooler who marries her sweetheart.
Gilda’s Black Strapless Dress

The sassy girl nightclub singer Gilda ( Rita Hayworth) wore a black strapless gown while singing “Put the Blame on Mame.” This scene was so iconic that the name Gilda was the name in-scripted on the first nuclear bomb.
Dress as Basic as an Instinct

Ellen Mirojnick a costume desginer was popular for creating dresses that deffined “powerful woman” in the beginning of the 1990s. The dress that became iconic was the white wool dress Sharon Stone wore in Basic Instinct.
Sources: Glo