One of the best fun things of having a camera is making your own optical illusions. If you have no idea of how to create one yourself then check these out!
1. Very clever!!
2. “Two Faced”
3. OK, who is being picked up here???
4. This is long-armed Joe.
5. Midgets or just sitting on the knees of the guys..?!
6. The floating man. I think he’s David Blaine’s apprentice.
7. Is that Mr. Fantastic complaining?
8. Hardcore smoker…
9. Our glass figure gone a bit to far.

10. What happened to the left hand of this kid?
11. A dog with a woman’s or a woman who has a dogs head?

12. She’s scaring me. This is a great mirror illusion.

13. It looks like a distorted photo effect. But take a second look.
14. It is not what you think it is!
15. She’s turning into a dog. Maybe this is new character of “The Twilight”.
16. This kid would probably got his look when he grows up.

17. Get the measure this giraffe’s neck?
18. Why are they looking at me like that?
19. The Dragon Dog! Descendants of “Smaug”.
20. If mommy would see this photo, my party nights are over!
21. Hardcore hispster!

22. Her hand is about a foot long.

23. Maybe, this dog got a driver’s license.
24. This dog has a nice haircut.
25. Its a fishnet stocking!

Shadow illusion [Via]