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Forget Windows 10: Remember when Windows 95 was new?

It’s the year to get off our touch screen monitors and Smartphones performing with the speed of light, and celebrate the twenty years for one of the most amazing things introduced to tech lovers i.e. Windows 95. That’s right, this summer celebrated the two decades since the launch of Windows 95, a massive upgrade to its precursor Windows 3.1 in terms of speed, reliability and user-friendly OS. Even then, Apple fans were not particularly excited about the launch and dismissed Windows 95 as 11 years late to the tech party. If you think, they had a point since Steve Jobs launched his legendary Apple Macintosh more than 11 years prior to Windows 95.

To have a perspective on the ‘fuss’ Microsoft created around their Windows 95, you need to dig and look for the video showing the working of their previous version Windows 3.1. You can then compare and contrast 3.1 with Apple Macintosh and have a clear sense of race, as in who was where with potential prospects.

Also check out Richard Hart’s video explaining the many features of Windows 95 with a visible shine on his face. While he explains to the audience that in Windows 95 there is no ‘Trash Can’ like Apple, it has more sophisticated and smart ‘Recycle Bin’ that has more tech ring to it then Trash can. And then it was the ‘start’ button that was the center stage of a gigantic marketing campaign featuring the legendary Rolling Stones playing ‘Start Me Up’. On top of all this, there was task bar, long file names (which was not possible before), desktop shortcuts, ‘Briefcase’ for syncing files, Microsoft Network also known as MSN that ruled the world for a good part of the subsequent decade or so. Hart carries on with his explanation of the Windows 95 and makes the statement that regardless of the computer one used at the time, every computer user had to feel the impact of the amazing Window 95. (Appy Geek)

Windows 95 holds more significance for Apple then it carries for Microsoft for a host of reasons. At the time Microsoft launched Win’95, it had the 90% of the market share while Apple only clang to 10% and they seemed pretty happy with what they had. But with Windows 95 reaching more people then Windows 3.1, Apple’s share in the market further shrank to 4%, which forced Steve Jobs to plunge back in the game in 1997. And rest is the history.

Ian Harvey

Ian Harvey is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News