We know that you all are familiar with Noah’s Ark, but we bet that until now you haven’t heard about Johan’s Ark, have you? – No, Johan is not Noah’s evil twin brother who created the larger barge, but a Dutch millionaire contractor and recreationist. Johan Huibers built a massive fully-functioning replica of Noah’s Ark in Dordrecht, in the Netherland’s. Johan’s Ark was built as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible, except the Bible specified that the Ark had to be built from the unknown gopher wood, this interpretation is a steel frame skinned with American Cedar and Pine and built on top of a steel barge.

According to the Ark of Noah Foundation, there is a chance that the ark could hit the waters this year and sail to Brazil from the Netherlands. The Ark of Noah Foundation which is founded by Huibers and works to raise funds and money so the journey could happen.The organization stated that the ark will make several stops at various port cities in Brazil but also will make four stops along the coast of the U.S.
The idea of building a replica of Noah’s Ark came to Huibers after he dreamt that the province of Noord-Holland in the Netherland’s was buried by a massive flood.

But the massive replica was not the first version, as there is a smaller one from the same creator which exists in Schagen. Huibers built the structure in the river port of Schagen, 45 km north of Amsterdam, taking one and a half years. In 2007, he opened the doors to visitors. After a few months, the structure was towed by tugboat through canals in the Netherlands and moored in the harbours of Rotterdam and Arnhem.

“Once in Brazil the Ark will be using techniques that include virtual and augmented reality to tell original different biblical themes and stories in an interactive and challenging way,” the Ark of Noah Foundation said in a statement.
If you are curious to see the ark before it hit the open water, the full-sized (137 m / 450 ft) version is in Dordrecht, open to the public. This ark is carried on a platform made up of 25 LASH barges and has a coaster’s seaworthiness license. The new ark is partly financed by income from the first ark as well as donations and loans. The massive ark features many animal models, including cows, penguins, a crocodile, and a giraffe. The massive object has been approved to allow a whopping number of 3,000 visitors a day.