Construction was started in 1976 on the Crimean Atomic Energy Station, which was to supply all of the area’s electricity. As of 40 years ago, when the construction of the power plant started, the town of Shcholkine was not even on the map. The town was built to house the workers who were building the plant, as well as all the families of those who would be working in the plant once it opened. In 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster, the site where the plant was being built and was found to be geologically volatile. The construction of the plant was halted. To this day, this power plant is known as the most expensive nuclear power plant that was never finished. The town of Shcholkine is now known as a very popular tourist attraction with boats and surfboard rental shops.

The nearby town of Kazantyp has several attractions including a fairgrounds and paintball competitions. There is a central market, many cafes/restaurants, stores, and different entertainment venues including a movie theater and an internet café. But the main attraction is the beach, which is an extremely long sandbar located between cliffs that jut out over the Sea of Azov. From 1993 to 1999, Kazantyp was the site of the KaZantip musical festival, which later moved on to Yevpatoria.