To many the idea of an island completely composed of timeless treasures, coins, and various other artifacts seems too good to be true, and more of a fantastic notion than any real truth. While this may be what many people happen to believe, veteran shipwreck hunter and author Hugh Edwards is thoroughly convinced a real treasure island exists. Edwards believes that a wrecked Dutch ship lies just a short distance from Half Moon Bay, and is waiting for a diver or researcher to discover its existence there. In addition, he also believes there is a treasure island somewhere near this alleged shipwreck, where he claims tons and tons of silver coins would have been brought to the shore by stranded sailors.
Hugh Edwards is so thoroughly convinced of the existence of both the ship and the treasure island that he has made five diving trips since 2009 to Half Moon Bay. He would love to be able to find it in time for the upcoming Dutch royalty visit, but claims that is looking less and less likely as time goes on and he has still not found he is looking for. The length of time and lack of results seen by Edwards so far has led to much frustration.
This is not the first diving and research expedition that Hugh Edwards has been a part of; he was one of the divers who discovered the notable Dutch shipwreck the Batavia, and was also the main diver to uncover a ship on a coral bed.

Hugh Edwards has been diving for decades and has a true passion for it, still partaking in expeditions at the age of eighty-three, and still searching for the mysterious treasure island he is certain exists somewhere.
Edwards and his team also found a fifth Dutch shipwreck in August last year. His team applied under the Commonwealth Historic Shipwrecks Act of 1976 in order to garner recognition for the fact this shipwreck was their discovery, but Edwards and company are still awaiting confirmation. The Western Australian museum claims that it simply cannot support Edwards and his team’s claim until the site of this alleged mystery ship is found. The back and forth between Edwards and the museum has created a definite tension, as the institution does seem to point out that Edwards may not have made an actual discovery. There are other potential reasons for the placement of the items Edwards believes signify a shipwreck. The museum director does respect Edwards and would love for him to be correct, but cannot support his petition without the proper evidence needed to claim it.

Edwards starts on a new expedition in November both he and the museum director are excited about; they are hoping to find this coveted shipwreck. Unfortunately for Edwards it seems the expedition will take place after the media excitement that will surround the impending royal visit.
As previously stated, Edwards is also an author, and wrote a book about the Batavia shipwreck entitled Islands of Angry Ghosts. This book has intrigued many people, and has even been optioned as a potential film by Russell Crowe and his company Fear of God Films. Edwards has been waiting for something to happen with the film for a while now, but it is only one item on a list of many along with the previously mentioned shipwreck.
Edwards is desperate to find this shipwreck, hoping it will lead him to find the treasure island he reveres. Many people have looked for similar treasure islands all over the world for a long time, and have not had the success that many divers, researchers and discoverers hope for. Hopefully Hugh Edwards’ upcoming November expedition yields the success that he and the museum are anxiously awaiting.