After extensive excavations and an intense search throughout Cyprus, a crew of archaeologists have officially discovered three luxurious tombs filled with ancient treasure.
It is clear that these tombs held men of the greatest importance throughout the city. Luckily for the team that unearthed the tombs, the graves were untouched and hoarded the luxuries of nothing less than the elite of the city.
The ceremonies to bury the bodies included a beautifully crafted wreath made from pure gold, the favorite weapons of the people as well as jewelry the people prized.
These men were likely major players within the trade routes between Cyprus and other critical economic foundations along Europe two dozen millenniums ago.

Sadly, the third tomb that was uncovered was thought to have been looted leaving the archaeologists with a subtle sense of loss but a feeling of gratitude that the other two tombs have not been touched. An archaeologist on the team confirmed that the findings indicated that the men had highly valuable items which means they were of high status.
The team in charge of excavation in the area is very optimistic. It’s very promising to find three tombs so close together with the same burial style.
It’s also great to note one of the tombs held a small family leaving promising discoveries about the culture of Cyprus 2400 B. C. The other tomb housed a lady and a young girl.
The graves were discovered along the outskirts of the prosperous city named Soli. The old trading hub was located in the north coast combining the resources of the Xero’s River with the perfect location to link up trade routes throughout Europe.

After further studies, the deceased were thought to be loyal to a royal family due to the approximate value of the antiques that were left in the tomb. The ability to lavishly spare such valuable objects to the departed shows a heavy indication of the bodies’ connections to wealth.
The artifacts heavily resembled the ones in Athens leading scholars to believe that this family may have been responsible for trade across Europe.
That would be quite the famous family of merchants indeed. From another country, the ivy like gold necklace was imported. The only other places these wreaths have been found were located in aristocrats graves inside of Macedonia.
These discovered gems are now located inside the Museum of Archaeology and Nature located inside of one of Cyprus’s favorite institutions for the world to see. Next time you’re in the country, feel free to swing in and check it out!