There are two kinds of people, those who have picked their Halloween costumes since August and the “last minute” people.
As we find ourselves in the second type and we know that finding a costume days before Halloween is a rather traumatic experience, we decided to at least provide you with some cool last minute ideas.
We are almost sure that this year Halloween parties will see a plethora of Trump wigs, Suicide Squad,Hillary’s red suit from the debate and Beyonce costumes.
So, for those who enjoy in vintage panache more than hype, these simple yet fun vintage inspired Halloween costumes may be a perfect fit.
10. Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill

This is a great idea for “bro- Halloween costume.”
9. Young Elvis

Young fit Elvis Presley from Jailhouse Rock in 1957 would be such a refreshment after oh so many “White Elvis Jumpsuits” we have seen over the years.
8. Betty Grable Iconic Pose

It might be chilly to go Trick or Treating dressed like Betty Grable from the most popular pin-up poster, but hey it’s a pretty cool costume.
7. Three Stooges

Three Stooges are always a win!
6. Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra

Black wig, elaborate make-up, Taylor’s signature “flirty look” and Voila, a perfect Cleopatra Costume.
5. The Munsters

For those who are sick of Adam’s Family group costumes, The Munsters can work perfectly!
4. Flapper

Here are three reasons why you should dress up like a Flapper: you’ll look gorgeous, you’ll drink a lot and you’ll dance a lot.
3. We Can Do It poster

It’s super easy and super fun. Here is a warning, though, a lot of people will call you Rossie the Riveter and the iconic poster has nothing to do with that phenomenon.
2. Maila Nurmi as Vampira

Maila Nurmi as the dark goddess Vampira is one of the coolest characters ever.
Here is another Halloween story from us- Interesting video about the origins of Halloween
1. Jimmy Hendrix in the army

Because we have seen a lot of Jimmy Hendrix costumes with the wig, and this one is different and awesome.