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Mother held her child for 4,800 years -their skeletons found in Taiwan

Hailed by the archaeologists as the earliest sign of any human activity discovered in central Taiwan, , remains of a mother and baby have been received with a mixture of awe and celebration.

The remains are believed to be more than 4,800 years old and researchers who unearthed the remains were shocked after finding the way bodies were laid.

The mother was found holding the little baby, while the face of the mother was pointing downwards as if looking down at the baby.

The incredible ancient embrace is one of the 48 set of other remains unearthed from the same grave in central Taiwan. Further remains of another five children were also found in the grave.

After analysing the remains researchers concluded the mother was just 5 foot 2 inches or 160cm, whereas the baby is only foot and a half or 50cm tall. The remains of other children found lying near the mother and baby are being analysed in detail and details will be released later.

The discovery came as a surprise for the local researchers; these Stone Age remains are the earliest sign of human activity in this region of Taiwan.

Unearthed in the central Taiwanese region of Taichung, the unbelievable remains depicting an exquisite maternal moment took internet by storm.

A number of large news outlets picked up on the story, while many history enthusiasts shared the unique and mind blowing picture on social media platforms.

Last year another closely related set of remains was discovered by a team of Chinese archaeologists from a site branded the Pompeii of the East, for its resemblance with the actual Pompeii. Experts recovered the remains of mother and a child interlocked into each other.


However many experts suggest the stone age remains of Taichung are much more significant due to their earlier time, as compared to the Chinese since Taichung is from stone age unlike Pompeii of the east which is from the Bronze age.

Another distinctive aspect is the nature of the mother and baby bodies, the one in Taichung presents a more human side since mother is apparently looking down at the baby while holding the baby in her arms.

The remains found in China last year were discovered near Qinghai Province in Central China. Experts believe there was a massive earth quake that devastated the region sometime in 2,000 BC. T

he mother is thought to have been trying to protect the baby from the falling rocks and debris, however got buried herself under the rubble along with the infant.

Unlike the mother from the Taichung, the woman in China was looking up while embracing her baby, who experts believe was a boy.

The field of archaeology is considered as an expert field and only a handful of present generation has any interest in recent findings and old discoveries. However according to some experts every now and then archaeologists stumble upon something that touches the hearts of everyone, regardless of their interests and perceptions.

Ian Harvey

Ian Harvey is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News