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Candy Bar Protest: When Canadian Children Fought Against the Price of Chocolate

Photo Credit: BCcampus Open Publishing CC BY 4.0 (Colorized)
Photo Credit: BCcampus Open Publishing CC BY 4.0 (Colorized)

People have protested a number of things over the years, but none were as iconic as the Candy Bar Protest. Known by many names, the best of which is the 5 Cent Chocolate War, it saw Canadian children take to the streets to protest the three cent price increase for the nation’s chocolate bars.

Post-war price hike

On April 25, 1947, the manufacturers of Canada’s chocolate bars upped the cost of their product from 5¢ to 8¢ – a 60 percent increase. The reason for the price hike was largely attributed to the end of government wartime subsidies, which led to a surge in the cost of milk, cocoa beans, and sugar – all of which were used in the creation of chocolate bars.

Three young girls standing at the counter of a candy store
Children at a candy store, 1949. (Photo Credit: Warburton / Topical Press Agency / Getty Images)

Manufacturers also cited another reason for the price hike: issues with the cocoa bean supply. They claimed a disease was attacking plants in West Africa, leading to a decrease in the number of beans available for processing.

Children launch a strike

The nation’s children immediately launched a protest against the price hike. Demonstrations began at the Wigwam Café, a confectionary store and luncheonette in Ladysmith, British Columbia. The youngsters set up shop outside, calling for a boycott on chocolate bars with the slogan, “Don’t be a sucker.”

To show they were serious, they plastered the slogan on a 1923 black McLaughlin Buick, which they followed while chanting: “We want a 5¢ chocolate bar / 8¢ is going too darn far / We want a 5¢ chocolate bar / Oh, we want a 5¢ bar.” For three days, they protested over the lunch hour, prompting coverage in local and national publications.

Children holding signs protesting the price of chocolate bars
Children participating in a protest in Montreal. (Photo Credit: BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives / Flickr CC BY 2.0)

On April 29, 1947, the protests spread to nearby Victoria, where an estimated 200 children stormed the province’s legislature, shutting down business. Soon, the protests spread east, occurring in Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, Montreal and various cities in the Maritimes. At the protest in Ottawa, 60 students marched on Parliament Hill, chanting, “We’ll eat worms before we eat 8¢ chocolate bars.”

Over 3,000 children pledged to boycott chocolate bars until they returned to their original price. It’s reported this caused their sale to drop 80 percent, with Winnipeg candy stores reporting a day where they didn’t sell any. The children’s efforts were supported by adult-led community organizations, which printed protest signs, brought snacks, and stood with the young protestors.

Chocolate manufacturers fight back

On May 2, 1947, candy manufacturer Rowntree’s published an open letter in Canadian newspapers, titled “Why You Pay 8¢ for a Rowntree Chocolate Bar.” This was followed five days later by a letter from Willards Chocolates in the Toronto Star, “5¢ Chocolate Bars just aren’t possible NOW.” A representative with Moirs also appeared on CBC Radio.

Female factory working packaging Kit Kat bars
Woman packing Kit Kat bars at the Rowntree’s factory in Yorkshire, 1949. (Photo Credit:

When these efforts failed to put an end to the strike, the manufacturers took a different approach, comparing the price of Canadian chocolate to that sold in the United States. Since Americans had to pay between 5¢ and 10¢ for their chocolate fix, they claimed Canadian children had it good with the 8¢ price tag.

Alleged communist ties put an end to the strike

The children’s strike swiftly came to an end after the Toronto Evening Telegram published a story with the headline, “Reds Seen Duping Youth in 8-cent Bar Campaign.” An anonymous tipster had approached the publication following the Toronto rallies, alleging the National Federation of Labour Youth, an organization that had aligned itself with the protests, was backed by communists. It even went so far as to claim the group was recruiting children to further its communist agenda.

Children holding signs protesting the price of chocolate bars
Children participating in a protest in Edmonton. (Photo Credit: BCcampus Open Publishing CC BY 4.0)

“Chocolate bars and a world revolution may seem poles apart, but to the devious, Communist mind, there is a close relationship,” the article read. “They don’t realize it, but the indignant students parading with their placards demanding a 5 cent candy bar have become another instrument in the Communist grand strategy of chaos.”

The Financial Post followed up the Toronto Evening Telegram article with their own, titled “Communists run candy bar strike, recruit young children for parade.”

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Fear of being associated with communism caused organizations and parents to drop their support for the strike. In the end, the price of chocolate bars remained at 8¢.

Clare Fitzgerald

Clare Fitzgerald is a Writer and Editor with eight years of experience in the online content sphere. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from King’s University College at Western University, her portfolio includes coverage of digital media, current affairs, history and true crime.

Among her accomplishments are being the Founder of the true crime blog, Stories of the Unsolved, which garners between 400,000 and 500,000 views annually, and a contributor for John Lordan’s Seriously Mysterious podcast. Prior to its hiatus, she also served as the Head of Content for UK YouTube publication, TenEighty Magazine.

In her spare time, Clare likes to play Pokemon GO and re-watch Heartland over and over (and over) again. She’ll also rave about her three Maltese dogs whenever she gets the chance.

Writing Portfolio
Stories of the Unsolved